Sunday, October 23, 2011


Now nearing 28 weeks this pregnancy thing is really starting to sink in. Of course we have the normal new parent worries. "Will he like me? Will he sleep at night? Do we have everything ready in the nursery?" We probably have a few, not so usual, worries also. "Will he be switched at birth? Will wolves come and take him to be raised in the wild? Will a movie be made about his life involving priests and holy water?" You may laugh, but there are probably a million more scenarios that have come and gone through the ever paranoid brain of a soon to be father.

I'm reassured by my friends with older children that it only gets worse when they come out so some Xanax is probably in my not too distant future. Being prepared has always been my combatant to the anxiety and I think we are just about there. We have the nursery completed, the house safety proofed, and the major amenities purchased. Devin's baby shower is coming up in a few weeks and that should take care of most of the rest. Hopefully we can amass a collection of diapers to last us well into potty training. That would be nice. Now we just wait.... and wait some more.

We have managed to fill most of our free time with family and friends and adventures to the crazy expensive baby department at most stores. Time does really seem to be flying by as of late. Thursday will be the start of the coveted third trimester. It's still a little hard to believe. With the string of holidays and functions swiftly approaching, January will be here before we know it.

Yesterday, our good friends The Wheatley's took maternity pictures for us at Bernheim. They turned out fantastic. They run a photography business and do really awesome work. If you're interested in getting any type of pictures taken, or you want to look at ours, check out their FaceBook page and give them a like. It's Visual Flair Photography.