Monday, December 27, 2010

Just needing to put thoughts on paper

Moments after laying down for bed a knock came at the door. I sprang to my feet, grabbed the nearest object / weapon and followed the barking dog down the hall to the front door. It's highly unusual that anyone comes over unannounced, especially late at night. When I opened the door I saw my parents, standing in the cold. For a moment I considered a million reasons why in the middle of the night my parents would be standing on my porch. I realized before they even spoke why they were here. As the words came out of my mother's mouth, it was as if someone had just set time to slo-motion. I sat there, silent for what seemed like an eternity as she proceeded to tell me that my grandfather had passed away. While it came as no true surprise, as he had been battling cancer and other ailments for years; I couldn't help myself from sitting in stunned silence numb to the world around me.

Growing up, I always cherished the time spent with my grandfather. Listening to his stories of years gone by, working with him on houses for less than minimum wage, feeding the chickens he kept in the barn I helped him to build. When my grandmother passed on several years ago a large part of him died as well. You could see it in his eyes. For years he patiently waited to be with her again and I know that he is there now telling her all about it.

It certainly makes you consider your own mortality when a generation of your family is gone. He was the last of my grandparents. I have always prided myself on how much of him I have in me. My red beard, my sense of humor, my love of story telling. Now those things seem a little more important. It pains me to know that my children will never know him but I will make sure that they hear the same stories that were repeated to me so many times over a pepsi. Through that, he will live on.


CJA said...

ill be praying for you and your family ...